FirmGround Ground Mats

FirmGround groundmat

Ground mats have increasingly become an alternative to concrete products as they are ideal for various building projects and easy to install. Currently, we are manufacturing four different ground mats – FirmGround39, FirmGround45, FirmGround70 and FirmGroundHeavy – which mainly differ in their compressive strength, making them suitable for use in a variety of building projects. All four ground mats are manufactured in the UK and are made from recycled high density polyethylene with other polymers added to reduce brittleness at low temperatures.

FirmGround39 – 500 x 500 x 39mm (0.65 kg)

FirmGround39 is a versatile interlocking ground mat which is ideal for grass and gravel infill. It has a compressive strength of 200 tonnes per square metre when filled with gravel and are specially designed to allow water to drain away whilst pockets at the base retain some water. This prevents grass from getting waterlogged or dying through lack of water.

The individual parts of the ground mats are easily clipped together to build a surface which is ideal for pedestrian areas when grass- or gravel- filled, and areas with small amounts of vehicular traffic when grass-filled.

Demarcation blocks are available.

FirmGround45 – 500 x 500 x 45mm (1.2 kg)

firmground45a (1) copyfirmground45side copy

Bird’s eye view left, side view right

While the FirmGround45 can be used for similar building projects to the FirmGround39, it can however withstand a slightly greater compression and has a compressive strength of 200 tonnes per square metre when filled. It is also designed to allow water to drain away whilst pockets at the base retain some water. This prevents grass from getting waterlogged or dying through lack of water.

The individual parts of the ground mats are easily clipped together to build a surface which is ideal for car parks, pedestrian areas and access roads.

Demarcation blocks are available.

FirmGround70 – 500 x 500 x 68mm (1.8 kg)








Just like the FirmGround45, the FirmGround70 is ideal for car parks, pedestrian areas and access roads, but this ground mat can withstand a higher weight, which is 240 tonnes per square metre when filled.

It is also designed to allow water to drain away whilst pockets at the base retain some water. This prevents grass from getting waterlogged or dying through lack of water.

The individual parts of the ground mats are easily clipped together to build a surface which is ideal for car parks, pedestrian areas and access roads.

Demarcation blocks are available.

FirmGroundHeavy – 500 x 500 x 80mm (3.2 kg)

FirmGroundHeavy has a compressive strength of over 300 tonnes per square metre unfilled. Therefore, this ground mat can withstand filly loaded wagon loads. It can also, like the other three ground mats, be used for car parks, pedestrian areas and access roads.


groundmatHeavy Duty Groundmat










Additionally, it is designed to allow water to drain away whilst pockets at the base retain some water. This prevents grass from getting waterlogged or dying through lack of water.

The individual ground mat parts are easily clipped together to build a surface which is ideal for car parks, pedestrian areas and access roads.


FirmGround groundmatFirmGround Ground mats

FirmGround groundmat








FirmGround Installation

Not sure which model you need? See below!




To get in touch to discuss a project with us or request more information, send us an email or call on 01204 361547.

Alternatively, view all the datasheets for the range see here:
FirmGround – All Datasheets

6 Replies to “FirmGround Ground Mats”

  1. I’m looking to put a shed in my garden and the 39 mm looks like it’ll be ideal. Could you send me more details please

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